Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mulch? How green is the brown stuff?

Well, in the county I moved out of, you could get free mulch.  Yeah, free mulch.  You pick it up at a solid waste transfer station or the dump.  I was in the area the other day on other business and need some mulch, so I took my pickup truck and stopped by...  the cool thing, they have an automatic filler...  you just pull your vehicle underneath and hit the on button... it fills it up for you.  (hey, it means a little less air conditioning is needed when you get back in your truck, right?  LOL)

But seriously, how does this help being greener, you ask?

It recycles yard waste delivered to the waste facility.
It reduces the amount of waste actually placed in a landfill.
It reduces the amount of plastic in a landfill too (you don't have to buy it by the bag at the local hardware or landscape joint)

It reduces the fuel required to move said yard waste to the dump from the place it's been left by consumers.  (Even better if, like me you were already in the area on another chore, then you're saving your gas too!)
It reduces the water required for your ornamental garden beds.
It reduces the amount of chemicals required to keep weeds at bay in those same garden beds.

How does it help you other than just begin green and reducing your guilt at being a general wastrel?  Well, it's flippin free!  Your taxes are already paying for it!  Helllooo-ooo  McFly?  Didn't you get that FREE part earlier?

Now, to work on my current county of residence and see if they can start a similar program....

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